Baghiyyah Honey
Origin: Yemen
Description: The best honey of all and the most expensive, it is also the favourite of many royalties and the Arab people of all time. It is also retrieved from the Sidr trees that are found at the feet of mountains in Yemen.
Benefits: It allows treatment of digestive problems, cough, asthma and high fever. It is also used as a source of carbohydrate during vigorous exercise.
Honeycomb Honey
Origin: Yemen
Description: The honeycomb is filled with the concentrated nectar of thousands of flowers, the healthiest and rawest form of honey available. It contains propolis, pollen and honey enzymes together. Making it a complete food for your body.
Benefits: In its crystallised form, it is a natural process from a liquid state to a semi-solid state, which is an attribute of pure and natural honey and it maintains its beneficial properties. Propolis contains many different compounds that acts as anti-microbial functions for the body. Pollen is considered as one of nature's nourishing foods as an energy enhancer and supports cardiovascular system.
Sidr Honey
Origin: Yemen / Pakistan
Description: Sidr Honey is the most popular honey in the world. It is harvested in only two seasons, summer and winter,with the latter being the best. The honey comes from the Sidr tree, which is an ancient and sacred tree mentioned in spiritual texts which is also a reason why it is one of the world's most expensive honeys.
Benefits: Sidr honey is considered a medical grade honey due to its medicinal benefits. It strengthens the body immune system revitalizing the body with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is well-known to also be a sexual stimulant for males giving it the nickname of “Viagra of Yemen”.
Sumrah Honey
Origin: Yemen
Description: It is produced from thorny tress that is available abundance in Yemen such as Hadhramaut, some mountain areas and province of Ab,Dimar,Sanaa and Taiz. It is famous for its many benefits.
Benefits: A good remedy for diabetes, it drives away completely the sugar in the body and inject it with natural insulin that the body need,re-energize the pancreas and bring back the normal sugar balance in the body. It is good for liver diseases and ulcer in the stomach and duodenum (the first part of small intestine) and stabilizes body temperature.
Olive Honey
Origin: Pakistan
Description: It is produced from the olive flowers in which bees collect nectar from the flower and not that of which is separate.
Benefits: 1 Kilo of Olive Honey is the same as 12 kilo of vegetables because of its rich in vitamins. It prevents cancer diseases, good in treatmen for aids and heart patient, inflammation of the liver and gallbladder.
Mara'ee Honey
Origin: Yemen
Description: Mara'ee honey is produced throughout the year and is cultivated from different trees and flowers. It is known as the Yemeni wildflower honey.
Benefits: Because sugarmolecules in honey can convert into other sugars (e.g. fructose to glucose), honey is easily digested by the most sensitive stomachs and helps kidneys and intestines to function better.
Ginseng (For Males) Honey
Origin: Kuwait
Description: A mix of mountain Sidr honey, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Red Ginseng Powder, Pollen, Black seed and more making it great honey combination for males. The highlights being the herbal ginseng that provides energy and vitality.
Benefits: The mix strengthens the heart muscle, and bodily vigour and providing boost of vital hormones that boosts the reproductive system for men. It also stimulates blood circulation and enforces immune system.
Ginseng (For Females) Honey
Origin: Kuwait
Description: A mix of mountain Sidr honey, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Ginseng Powder, Black seed, Ganoderma extracts and more making it great honey combination for females.
Benefits: Acts as a natural stimulant and general tonic for the body. It reduces mental fatigue and also stimulates glands to protect against glands diseases while also increasing fertility as it is a stimulant for ovaries.
Proposil Honey
Origin: Kuwait
Description: Proposil is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from poplar and conifer tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources and blend it with wax flakes secreted from special glands on their abdomens. Mixed with the Sidr honey base, it provides a punch for energy and medicinal purposes.
Benefits: It boosts immunity and protect nervous tissues. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that protects the body from free radicals which cause many chronic diseases.
Ginger Honey
Origin: Kuwait
Description:In addition to the superb value of the natural honey, the ginger blend enjoys the perfect healthy and therapeutic properties of ginger extract. Both honey and ginger have their individual health benefits and antioxidant properties, thus their combination provides an exceptional additional healthy and therapeutic value.
Benefits: This helps to treat pain associated with inflammation, upset stomach, sore throat, and toothache, ginger can also help with muscle soreness. As with cough, upset stomach, and headaches, tea made with ginger is also great for a sore throat.
Citrus (For Children) Honey
Origin: Kuwait
Description: It is the honey produced by bees fed on blossoms, flowers and trees of citrus such as lemon, orange, tangerine, clementine, and grapefruit which blooms from mid-March to late April. Such honey which is taken from the citrus flowers nectar is characterized by light color and low intensity.
Benefits: Beneficial in children's growth strengthening bones, structure, teething as well as gas expulsion. It protects children from intestinal diseases as well as against infections.
* Children under age of 1 should NOT be fed honey.